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Make a write up for a blog post titled "How to Write a Persuasive Essay".In this blog post, you'll learn about the basics of writing an essay, from paper structure to how to structure your argument. But more importantly, you'll learn how to convince readers that your opinion is worth listening to in the first place. Once you've got that down, go ahead and share your persuasive essay with others!## Introduction ##The best essays have one thing in common: they're persuasive--they persuade readers of their point without necessarily telling them explicitly what the point is. This outcome is often accomplished through the use of opinion or argument, which are both forms of persuasion.# Writing Your Persuasive Essay #The purpose of an essay is to persuade others about a particular point, but before you can write one, you have to decide what that point is. There are two main types of persuasive essays: opinion essays and argument essays.An essay that persuades readers by telling them "Here's my opinion," rather than making them come to their own conclusions about your opinion, is known as an opinion essay . Essays in this category usually feature some type of suggestion or viewpoint on the topic at hand. For example, if you were writing an opinion essay about the importance of using seat belts while riding in a car, you would probably discuss the potential dangers of not using seat belts while driving.Essays that persuade readers to "look at this argument" or persuade them to believe in something are argument essays . Essays in this category often begin with a fact, statistic, or question that makes readers wonder what is coming next; then they proceed to list their own evidence and examples that back up their claims. For example, if you were writing an argument essay about the future of cars, you would probably state that the automobile industry is on the verge of a major breakthrough--perhaps using new technologies to make cars more efficient and economical.# Writing Tips #So how do you come up with ideas for your essay? There are three main points to keep in mind while writing. First, keep in mind that persuading readers is often just as important as persuading yourself. The more confident you feel about your opinions, the better. Second, don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild . You don't have to be 100% sure that your opinion is correct, as no one is 100% sure about anything. Finally, make a point of structuring your essay in a way that makes it easy for your readers to follow.## Conclusion ##Remember: the most important part of any persuasive essay is belief . If you don't believe in what you're saying, how do you expect others to? Once you've put your best foot forward, let yourself be convinced by the power of your own persuasiveness!## Sources ## - Lisa Knopp's "Essay Writing Made Easy" http://www.paperrater.
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